How to map Webclient response to a Page type in Spring based application

This page is about how to retrieve a Page of response from a webservice call in a Spring Webflux project.

In this example, I have a Rest endpoint at /applications/"+applicationId+"/users that returns a page of users that is associated to this application based on this applicationId. This example comes from applications example.

So the following is my test api call used in my integration test case:

EntityExchangeResult<RestPage> usersResult = webTestClient.get().uri("/applications/"+applicationId+"/users")

I am using the following defined RestPage that is defined as a class within this file:

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true, value = {"pageable"})
class RestPage<T> extends PageImpl<T> {
    @JsonCreator(mode = JsonCreator.Mode.PROPERTIES)
    public RestPage(@JsonProperty("content") List<T> content,
                    @JsonProperty("number") int page,
                    @JsonProperty("size") int size,
                    @JsonProperty("totalElements") long total,
                    @JsonProperty("numberOfElements") int numberOfElements,
                    @JsonProperty("pageNumber") int pageNumber
    ) {
        super(content, PageRequest.of(page, size), total);

    public RestPage(Page<T> page) {
        super(page.getContent(), page.getPageable(), page.getTotalElements());

The JsonProperty annotation will depend on what elements are returned from the Rest implementation. Therefore, the JsonProperty annotation may need to be adjusted accordingly.