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Java Spring Stuff
a. Building custom Yaml properties in Spring based application
b. Retrieve the custom error message from a webservice call on Spring Reactivce stack
c. Create custom page type in a Rest call on Spring Reactive stack
d. How to mock user for calling api that is secured using OAuth2 configuration
Some personal stuff I am working on (the repos are private so not accessible):
User Signup and Authentication And Authorization using the following micrservice projects:
The following diagram shows the request flow on a Kubernetes cluster.
flowchart TD
A[user request] -.-> B(Load balancer)
B -.-> C(DNS Server)
C -.-> D[/]
subgraph k8[Kubernetes Cluster]
subgraph ingress[Ingress]
F(Nginx Controller)
subgraph app[email-rest-service]
G(Kubernetes Service)
G -- uses authId header for user context --> H(email-rest-service pod)
H -- validate jwt token using jwt-validator --> H
F -. 3 calls-service .-> G
B -.-> k8